What is this noise from inside me?
Like seashores washed out of their season
A whispering voice that besieges me
It's whispering words with no reason
What is this troublesome feeling?
Feels like a need to be needing
Nothing should feel like I'm wishing
When This is what I have been missing
Why does this voice never stop?
What is this noise coming up?
Why do I feel something's wrong?
Why won't it seem to let go?
I'm Not gonna let this thing win
I'm Not going back where I've been
I'm Not going down these old roads
I'm Not gonna change how I feel
I'm sure I am right
Been thinking all night
I'm sure this is right
(I woke with the light)
Do leave me, please do
You don't have a clue
I'm finding my way
Feel better each day
So stop silly noise
No more of that voice
It's words without meaning
It's not what I'm feeling
Do leave me behind
To find what I find
No more secret needs
No planting of seeds
No dreams from the past
I've made it at last
I'll never believe it can be
I'm telling myself this is me
I'll never believe it is true
That old can be gone then be new
I want to be here
But you never where
Now leave me alone
Forever be gone
No longer attached
I don't need to need
For I am detached
And that's how I'll be
aahhhh the feeling of being detached !